Free Downloadable Coloring Pages for iPad Procreate: Learn to Import and Color with WorldsToDiscover
I enjoy sharing free downloadable coloring pages on my website, especially when I have new characters or pages to offer. If you prefer coloring on your iPad using Procreate, I've outlined some simple steps for you to follow. Keep in mind that Procreate is a paid app that costs under $13, but it's an excellent tool for coloring on your iPad and an app I use all the time.

1. First, visit my website at on your iPad and go to the Downloads page. Select a coloring page you want to download and click on it to open the PDF. Then, click on the sharing icon located in the top right corner of the screen (the square with an upward arrow) and save it to your files.
2. Next, open Procreate and click on Import in the top right corner of the app. Locate the downloaded coloring page in your files and tap on it. Procreate will then open with your PDF as a new canvas.
3. Once you have the coloring page in Procreate, adjust the PDF layer (Layer 1) to maintain the outline of the coloring page while coloring. To do this, tap on the layers icon in the top right corner of the screen, and then tap the 'N' on Layer 1. Change the layer from Normal to Multiply, which is located at the top of the list.
4 .After that, create a new layer by clicking on the plus icon at the top of the layers window, and drag it under Layer 1. Now you can start coloring on the new layer and create additional layers to separate colors or add effects.
5. When you finish coloring, you can export the image as a PNG or another file format. If you post your artwork on Instagram, tag me @WorldsToDiscover.
That's it! You can now download any PDF coloring page and import it into Procreate to color on your iPad.